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Database Management Systems


Informix Software Inc

Informix-4GL is a fourth-generation language specifically for databaseapplications. The power and flexibility of the product lets thedatabase developer build even the most sophisticated application, andcustomize that application extensively to meet the needs of any enduser. In addition to this power and flexibility, the simplicityinherent in Informix-4GL greatly speeds the process of building andmaintaining applications.Informix-4GL offers the developer many features. Among these are adatabase language (RDSQL, an extension of the Structured Query Language(SQL) developed by IBM), a screen-building utility allowing thegeneration of default screens or the extensive customization of screensto suit any application, a menu-building facility that lets user menusbe tailored to fit the end user's needs, customized online help, a reportgenerator for the fast creation of customized reports of any complexity,a window manager, and a self-contained programming environment.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: C compiler
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0 Solaris x86 2.0

Informix Software Inc
4100 Bohannon Dr
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (415) 926-6300
        (800) 331-1763
Fax: (415) 926-6593